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Jack Terrick - Our Rainbow Dog


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HemangiosarcomaA highly malignant cancer arising from cells that normally create blood vessels. It most commonly affects the spleen, liver, right atrium of the heart and the skin.

In most cases, the cause of hemangiosarcoma is unknown.

The Golden Retreiver Lifetime StudyA study launched in 2012 through Morris Animal Foundation. Their primary goal for this study was to pinpoint the various causes behind canine cancer.

Furry Paws Apparel Co. is proud to shoutAs of April 11, 2024 - to honor Jack exactly one year after his passing - we will be donating $1 for every product sold in our shop to this potentially life changing study.


Hemangiosarcoma very quickly took half of my heart when it stole Jack from me. So, to support this Study is my way of hoping we can get a little closer to finding (at least) a way to detect this "silent killer" before the usual "it's too late."

Morris Animal Foundation
The Golden Retriever Lifetime Study
The Cause
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